Aims of the Fund?

The fund has been established to support groups that have been directly impacted by the Council’s 2024/25 Budget or more widely by Scottish Government funding reductions. This one-off funding is intended to provide transitional support allowing groups time to develop business cases, apply for leases or asset transfer or submit funding applications to secure their long term future.

Who may apply?

Any impacted group as detailed above which is appropriately constituted or set up. This fund cannot support businesses.

What can the Grants be used for?

The fund is available to help constituted groups with running costs while they seek alternative funding sources. This fund is not for one-off activities. It is only for those groups impacted, directly or indirectly, by the Council’s 2024/25 Budget or Scottish Government funding reductions.

This funding relates to the day to day running costs of the applying group which could include:

  • Rent or venue hire
  • Staff costs
  • Recurring bills like insurances and mobile phones
  • Transport costs

How are applications assessed?

Each application will be considered on individual merit. Groups most likely to attract funding are those which make the most convincing arguments for funding. Consideration will be given to a range of factors including:

  • The impact the Council’s 2024/25 Budget or Scottish Government funding reductions had on the group.
  • The number of local people involved in, and regularly benefiting from the service provided by the group in relation to the amount of grant being requested.
  • Evidence of the group’s own efforts to find alternative funding to secure their long term future.

How much is available?

The total amount of funds available is £250,000. Grant levels will be capped at the amount the group’s funding was reduced by in 2024/25 by the Council or Scottish Government (where applicable).  It is essential applicants are able to evidence their efforts to secure longer-term funding.

The Fund may make a grant conditional upon additional information being produced to their satisfaction and the Council reserves the right to request evidence of how the funding had been used and the outcomes achieved. In the event that the funds were not used in a manner consistent with the funding award the Council may take steps to recover it in part of in its entirety.

Are there any types of application unable to get a grant?


  • Groups whose activity takes place outwith West Dunbartonshire.
  • Applications made by an individual alone.
  • Activity which is not lawful.
  • Applications supporting any political party or from any applicant whose activities are political.

Specifically Grants will not be given for:

  •  one-off activities
  • unspecified expenditure
  • activity which is capital in nature
  • repayment of loans
  • retrospective funding

How to apply

Complete all questions on the form.

If you need a hard copy of the application form please contact

Check the form is fully completed including relevant contact details. 

Successful applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application via the email address on the application form within three weeks of submission.

When to apply

The fund is open for applications from 1 May 2024 until the fund is fully exhausted.


Please send any queries on this fund to