As a requirement of the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 all community planning partnerships must develop and publish specific outcome improvement plans aimed at supporting prevention and reducing re-offending.
This legislation is underpinned by a core set of seven common outcomes, defined in the Community Justice National Strategy, and an Outcomes, Performance and Improvement Framework.
The Community Planning West Dunbartonshire Community Justice Outcome Improvement Plan was developed in partnership with key services and agencies that have a role in addressing community justice and reducing re-offending. A Community Justice Executive Board has been established to take forward delivery of the action plan and development of future activities, chaired by the community planning manager.
The national outcomes have been split to reflect structural and person centred activities as follows:
Individual’s resilience and capacity for change and self-management are enhanced. We have developed an annual action plan and supporting measures which will evidence delivery of the national outcomes at a local level. As required through the Act and supporting guidance we will be reporting our progress annually to the Scottish Government.