Back in 2009, In a drive towards a low carbon economy the Scottish Government set world leading Climate Change targets to reduce Scotland’s carbon emissions by 80% by 2050, with an interim reduction of 42% by 2020.  In 2014 this interim target was met and exceeded (45.8%), originally leading to a new target being set for a reduction of 50% for 2020. These targets present Scotland with significant social and economic opportunities, as well as challenges, and required a range of actions across society and the economy.  The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, which details these targets, is regarded as one of the most ambitious Climate Change legislation in the world.

In Scotland’s latest climate plan - 'Climate Change Plan: third report on proposals and policies 2018-2032 (RPP3)' and recent update, further expectations are placed on the public sector to increasingly demonstrate how its own operations are driving down emissions.  RPP3 sets out the path to a low carbon economy while helping to deliver sustainable economic growth and secure the wider benefits to a greener, fairer and healthier Scotland in 2032.  Since the publication of RPP3, a Climate Emergency has been announced, followed by new national emissions reduction targets and the 'Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act  2019' which details new emission reduction targets for Scotland nationally.  These are:

  • 56% reduction by 2020 (replacing the original 50% target);
  • 75% reduction by 2030;
  • 90% reduction by 2040; and
  • ‘Net Zero’ emissions by 2045.

Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan for West Dunbartonshire

To contribute towards meeting these targets, the Council have developed a new Climate Change Strategy as a route map for 2021-22 and beyond.  It is an overarching Strategy that has set a foundation for a plan of action and response to Scotland’s Climate Emergency and 2045 net zero carbon reduction target. 

In order to achieve net zero by 2045 in line with national interim targets set by Scottish Government, the Council will adopt the following:

  • An interim target of 61% reduction required by 2030/31 financial year;
  • An interim target of 87% reduction required by 2040/41 financial year; and
  • Net zero by end of 2045/46 financial yea

Our Climate Change Action Plan sets out the immediate and longer term actions the Council will take to respond to the Climate Emergency and in achieving net zero emissions by 2045, both in relation to mitigating and adapting to climate change. This plan implements our Climate Change Strategy through a series of high-level actions for the short, medium and long term, setting out the need for action and a high level framework.

Climate Change Adaptation

The Council is taking steps to adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change.

To help develop this approach, the Council produced a Local Climate Impacts Profile (LCLIP) which aims to build a clear picture of the type, location, severity and previous responses to weather related impacts that have affected West Dunbartonshire in the past, so that the Council and its partners and the community can better plan for the future.

The Council is involved in Climate Ready Clyde, a cross-sector initiative funded by fifteen member organisations and supported by the Scottish Government to create a shared vision, strategy and action plan for an adapting Glasgow City Region.

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy

To meet the Scottish Government’s ambitious targets to meet net zero by 2045 and remove poor energy efficiency as a driver of fuel poverty by 2040, almost all homes, public buildings and businesses will need to increase their energy efficiency and install zero emissions heating. A statutory order was passed by the Scottish Government that requires all local authorities to develop Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) and Delivery Plans. Locally- led planning, coordination and delivery of heat transitions across public and private sectors will ensure the specific needs of communities are met and LHEES will be the principal mechanism to develop this approach.

The LHEES for West Dunbartonshire will underpin an area-based, local authority wide approach to heat and energy efficiency planning and delivery. An LHEES sets out the strategic framework for decarbonising heat and improving energy efficiency within buildings in West Dunbartonshire. This Strategy is the first for West Dunbartonshire, and will be required to then be updated at intervals of no more than five years. The strategic plan has been developed by following Scottish Government’s LHEES methodology and is therefore framed around the following considerations:

  • Heat Networks;
  • Off Gas Buildings;
  • On Gas Buildings;
  • Poor Building Energy Efficiency / Poor Building Energy Efficiency as a Driver for Fuel Poverty; and
  • Mixed Tenure, Mixed Use and Historic

The aim of the LHEES document is to:

  • Set out how the building stock needs to change to meet national and local objectives, including achieving net zero carbon emissions in the building sector, and the removing poor energy efficiency as a driver of fuel poverty;
  • Identify strategic heat decarbonisation zones, and set out the principal measures for reducing buildings emissions within each zone; and
  • Prioritise areas for delivery, against national and local
  • Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Delivery Plan

A set of high-level actions are set out in the Strategy and will form the basis of the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Delivery Plan. The actions will be developed by identified internal stakeholders over the coming months. A detailed Delivery Plan will cover the first five-year period of LHEES action in West Dunbartonshire and will be published in full by early 2025.


West Dunbartonshire Energy Centre

Our pioneering district heating system in Clydebank will be showcased to delegates visiting Scotland as part of COP26.

The West Dunbartonshire Energy Centre, which extracted water from the River Clyde to heat homes and public buildings, will be included in exhibits highlighting work being undertaken to achieve net zero targets.

Hosting a stand in the events Green Zone in Glasgow’s Science Centre on Thursday 11 November, officers will share the work that has gone into launching the first large-scale heat pump of its kind in the UK.

Visitors will be able to hear how the system works to reduce carbon emissions crated by heat as well as help to fight fuel poverty.