Pre Housing And Communities Committee Forum

The Housing & Communities Committee (HACC) sets the policies and strategies for all services provided by Housing Services. It meets every 3 months and decisions taken by the committee are after Councillors have had the opportunity to consider reports by the Council’s officers.

Before each of the HACC meetings, representatives from Tenant & Resident Associations and individual tenants have an opportunity to meet with the Housing Convenor and officers who wrote the papers going before the HAC committee.

The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views on the papers and allow tenants direct access to the Housing Convenor prior to issues being discussed at the HAC Committee. The Housing Convenor then presents these views as part of the Committee’s discussion and forms part of the decision making process.

The final papers are only available one week before the meeting but there is a plan of what proposed reports are going to committee even though they aren’t finalised. The Council has begun to share the report planner with tenants to encourage participation and to give as much notice as possible about reports that might be of particular interest.

If you want to be sent invites to the Pre-HACC Forum please get in touch with Jane Mack on 0798 354 2993 or  The meetings are currently taking place via zoom but we can supply paper copies of the committee papers and we can help with devices and Wi-Fi to help you join the discussion.  

Pre HACC Forum Meeting Notes 2024

Pre HACC Forum Meeting Notes 2023

Pre HACC Forum Meeting Notes 2022